The Ciberne Software was an of the companies that had great highlight in Brazil with the commercialization of programs for the ZX81 microcomputers. The majority of the programs were copies of English and American software, but some were of Brazilian authors, as the Divino C. R. Leitão, A.C. Lobo/J.Eduardo and J.Magal. Were several games and aplications that did the enjoyment of the TKmaniacs and that now are being shared for that you may be knowing or remembering.



Casca a Cobra, Krazy Kong, Sucuri, Frogger e Centopeia





Night Gunner, Polaris, Alerta Vermelho, Duelo e Scramble



Sabotagem, O Aventureiro, Mazogs, Pirâmide Inca, USS Enterprise



Nave Mãe, Galáctica, Fungos Mutantes, SOS Vega III, Perseguidor


Defensor 3D, Q´bert, Assalto



Valkirie, Guerrilha Cósmica, Zor


Soon, the tapes:


Mercador dos Sete Mares


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