Requires a character board mapped in RAM at address 3000h. | |
Requires a character board with CHR$128 scheme, mapped in RAM at address 3000h. This card allows the redefinition of up to 128 characters, as opposed to the traditional scheme that allows only 64 characters. | |
Requires a ZONX-81 compatible sound board. |
Uses WRX high-resolution scheme and requires that the memory expansion has read access during the refresh cycle of the CPU. | |
Requires a ZX Printer |
43AB |
S0 | Base value of the parameter stack
43AD |
R0 | Base value of the return stack
43AF |
RSP | Return Stack Pointer
43B1 |
TIB | Terminal Input Buffer |
43B3 |
LBP | Line Buffer Pointer - current address into TIB |
43B5 |
STATE | Contain the compilation state - 0 = interpretation state / 1 = compilation state |
43B7 |
BASE | Current number base, used for input and output conversion |
43B9 |
HLD | Holds the address of the last character during numeric output conversion
43BB |
CUR_POS | Position of cursor on the screen
43BD |
DP | Dictionary Pointer
43BF |
CONTEXT | A pointer to the vocabulary within which dictionary searches will first begin
43C1 |
CURRENT | A pointer to the vocabulary where new definitions are created |
43C3 |
LAST | Last word defined in CURRENT vocabulary
3D Maze |
ACE Mines |
Breakout |
Breakout STD |
Calendar |
Factorial |
Towers of Hanoi |
Mancala |
Millipede |
Plot-test |
Left Rigth Up/Slap/Jump Down/Dig |
5 8 7 6 |